An exhibition highlighting the British Council funded exchange programme between Finland and Northern Ireland.

Featuring works in progress by exchange artists Ruth Osborne and Pirjo Seddiki and hosts Jane McCann and Sirpa Morsky. 

Ruth and Pirjo explore themes inspired by the Curlew/Kuovi, a migratory bird that has links with both Finland and Ireland.  

Pirjo's work explores local bird life in Finland with line drawings and sketches of the Curlew/Kuovi and Ruth's dyeing and printing explore the Curlew/Kuovi’s local habitats and landscapes.  

Funded by the British Council Exchange Programme

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Dates and times
Ards Visitor Information Centre
Discovery Hub

10 days



Getting to Curlew/Kuovi: Finland Exchange Exhibition

54.5943251, -5.6993577

Ards Visitor Information Centre

Ards Visitor Information Centre
31 Regent Street
BT23 4AD
United Kingdom